Hungary’s president recommended Tuesday that lawmakers re-elect Prime Minister Viktor Orban to what would be his third consecutive term as he focuses on pushing through constitutional changes. Hundreds of demonstrators gathered outside parliament to protest against what they believe is Orban’s growing authoritarianism, and widespread corruption.

Feltöltő: RonaGyuri
Felhasználói tartalom, A felhasználók által feltöltött tartalmakkal pörög. A felhasználók által feltöltött tartalmak nem feltétlenül tükrözik a szerkesztőség álláspontját, ezek valóságtartalmát nem áll módunkban ellenőrizni.

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a cikk első mondatára külön felhívnám a magyar firkászok figyelmét! =))
@RonaGyuri: Oh yeah. There is a tinybit of contradiction there,as there is in the headline.
A non existent , non-legitimate President of a non-existent Republic recommends Parliament to re-elect a self-styled no personality non-existent, non-legitimate so called politician to be the swear on the non existent Constitution of a country (not a Republic!) for the fourth time in a row. This is not a fairy tale...this is pure gothic, and it is set to become a never-ending nightmare...
@Commenter: corr: "to be the swear=to swear on...etc, a tinybit=a tiny bit Sometimes I'm just so upset by all this that I don't even double.check what I write...

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