We bring you the full text of Pope Francis' prepared remarks to EU Heads of State and Government on the eve of the 60° anniversary of the signing of the Rome treaties that created the original structural framework for the European Union

Feltöltő: lusta
Felhasználói tartalom, A Propeller.hu felhasználók által feltöltött tartalmakkal pörög. A felhasználók által feltöltött tartalmak nem feltétlenül tükrözik a szerkesztőség álláspontját, ezek valóságtartalmát nem áll módunkban ellenőrizni.

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Ajánlom minden mélymagyar, mélykereszténynek ferenc pápa szavait. Tudom, ő is hazudik, támadja szavaival kis hazánkat. Ott volt a sorosbérenc felcsúti kis tolvaj zsebcézár, aki g..i és bsúgó, és nem rántott kardot hazánk védelmében. Gyerünk gyerekek, bakondik meg egyebek. lehet hőbörögni.
Egy részlet a bszédéből.
Europe finds new hope when she refuses to yield to fear or close herself off in false forms of security. Quite the contrary, her history has been greatly determined by encounters with other peoples and cultures; hers “is, and always has been, a dynamic and multicultural identity”.[17] The world looks to the European project with great interest. This was the case from the first day, when crowds gathered in Rome’s Capitol Square and messages of congratulation poured in from other states. It is even more the case today, if we think of those countries that have asked to become part of the Union and those states that receive the aid so generously offered them for battling the effects of poverty, disease and war. Openness to the world implies the capacity for “dialogue as a form of encounter”[18] on all levels, beginning with dialogue between member states, between institutions and citizens, and with the numerous immigrants landing on the shores of the Union. It is not enough to handle the grave crisis of immigration of recent years as if it were a mere numerical or economic problem, or a question of security. The immigration issue poses a deeper question, one that is primarily cultural. What kind of culture does Europe propose today? The fearfulness that is becoming more and more evident has its root cause in the loss of ideals. Without an approach inspired by those ideals, we end up dominated by the fear that others will wrench us from our usual habits, deprive us of familiar comforts, and somehow call into question a lifestyle that all too often consists of material prosperity alone. Yet the richness of Europe has always been her spiritual openness and her capacity to raise basic questions about the meaning of life. Openness to the sense of the eternal has also gone hand in hand, albeit not without tensions and errors, with a positive openness to this world. Yet today’s prosperity seems to have clipped the continent’s wings and lowered...

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