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@RonaGyuri: Orbán már etalonná vált

ami kimos, de eszetlen birkái erre is büszkék

„America’s Coming Age of Instability
Why Constitutional Crises and Political Violence Could Soon Be the Norm” a címe annak a cikknek, amiben Steve Levitsky, a Harvardról, illetve Lucan Way, a Torontói Egyetemről a Foreign Affairs-ben tette közzé meglátásait.
„Following the playbook of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey, and Viktor Orban in Hungary, he worked to corrupt key state agencies and subvert them for personal, partisan, and even undemocratic ends.”
„After winning election in 2010 on an ethnonationalist platform, Orban and his party, Fidesz, packed the courts and the electoral bodies, suppressed independent media, and used gerrymandering, new campaign regulations, and other legal shenanigans to gain advantage over the opposition. Some observers have warned that Orban’s path to authoritarianism could be replicated in the United States.”.
Süt: „The United States isn’t headed toward Russian- or Hungarian-style autocracy, as some analysts have warned, but something else: a period of protracted regime instability, marked by repeated constitutional crises, heightened political violence, and possibly, periods of authoritarian rule. ”!

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