HUNGARY and Poland have lashed out at the EU demanding a bigger say in the a row over immigration. Leaders of both countries accused the bloc of infringing on their sovereignty as they vowed to present a common front against Brussels. Right-wing governments in both Hungary and Poland have come under fire from EU leaders over their refusal to take in migrants under a quota system, and efforts to tighten state control of courts and media. But Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban hit back at criticism, branding EU migration policy a “failure” in a joint press conference with Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki on Wednesday.

Feltöltő: RonaGyuri
Felhasználói tartalom, A felhasználók által feltöltött tartalmakkal pörög. A felhasználók által feltöltött tartalmak nem feltétlenül tükrözik a szerkesztőség álláspontját, ezek valóságtartalmát nem áll módunkban ellenőrizni.

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