Ahogy a pletykák említették, tegnap megjelent a Snow Leopard legfrisebb verziója, aminek feature-listájában egy büdös mukk sem hangzik el az AirPrintről, vagyis az iPhone, iPad és iPod touch, valamint a hálózatban található nyomtatók közti kapcsolatot létesítő szolgáltatásról. Így sejthetjük, hogy a napokban várható iOS 4. 2-ben ugyanennyi utalás lesz erre a csomagra. A frissítés számos biztonsági hibát javít, és az alábbi ficsörlistával büszkélkedhet: * Improves reliability with Microsoft Exchange servers. * Addresses performance of some image-processing operations in iPhoto and Aperture. * Addresses stability and performance of graphics applications and games. * Resolves a delay between print jobs. * Addresses a printing issue for some HP printers connected to an AirPort Extreme. * Resolves an issue when dragging contacts from Address Book to iCal. * Addresses an issue in which dragging an item from a stack causes the Dock to not automatically hide. * Resolves an issue in which Wikipedia information may not display correctly in Dictionary. * Improves performance of MainStage on certain Macs. * Resolves spacing issues with OpenType fonts. * Improves reliability with some Bluetooth braille displays. * Resolves a VoiceOver issue when browsing some websites with Safari 5. * Improves Bluetooth pairing with Magic Trackpad. * Resolves performance issues with third-party displays that use InstaPort technology. * Add SSL support for transferring files with iDisk. * Resolves an issue when opening 4-up Photo Booth pictures in Preview. * Addresses keyboard responsiveness issues in the Dock when Spaces is turned on. * Resolves an issue syncing Address Book with Google. * Fixes an issue when replying to a Mail message sent by a person whose name contains certain characters such as é or ü. (részben nekünk szól a javítás) * Improves performance for users bound to an Active Directory domain. * Improves reliability of Ethernet connections. * Systems with a Mac Pro RAID Card (Early 2009) installed can now be put to sleep. * Improves reliability of fibre channel connections, resolving a potential Xsan volume availability issue. * Adds RAW image compatibility for additional digital cameras.

Forrás: Appleblog
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