The Latest on the influx of migrants in Europe (all times local): 2:30 p.m. The European Commission says it's scrutinizing new laws passed in Hungary that ban homelessness and allow jail sentences for people convicted of aiding asylum-seekers. Spokesman Christian Wigand said Thursday that the European Union's executive arm "will take the necessary steps" based on its analysis and an assessment by Europe's constitutional watchdog. Wigand said "it is not without concern that we are following these developments and these new proposals," adding: "we should not turn our back on the values and principles on which Europe is built. " If Hungary's move is deemed to contravene EU laws, the Commission could

Feltöltő: RonaGyuri
Felhasználói tartalom, A felhasználók által feltöltött tartalmakkal pörög. A felhasználók által feltöltött tartalmak nem feltétlenül tükrözik a szerkesztőség álláspontját, ezek valóságtartalmát nem áll módunkban ellenőrizni.

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