Cenforce 200mg is a globally trusted male enhancement tablet for treating Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Improve blood supply to the penis with Cenforce 200 and regain your sexual confidence. Cenforce 200mg contains sildenafil citrate, which is known to dilate blood vessels and increase nitric oxide in the body. This is essential for an erection. It works by inhibiting an enzyme called PDE5. PDE5 breaks down a chemical called cGMP and causes the muscles in the penis to relax, promoting blood flow. This medication treats erectile dysfunction by improving blood flow, but it does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases or increase sexual desire. It only works when you are sexually aroused and produces the changes necessary for an erection. Cenforce 200mg tablet is used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. In addition to treating ED, it can also be appropriately used to treat pulmonary hypertension. Improves athletic performance in both men and women. This medication is used...

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